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ZyVersa Therapeutics Announces a Publication in the Peer-Reviewed Journal, Aging, Linking Inflammasome NLRP3 Activation with Age-Related Structural Changes in the Kidney and Reduced Kidney Function

ZyVersa Therapeutics Announces a Publication in the Peer-Reviewed Journal, Aging, Linking Inflammasome NLRP3 Activation with Age-Related Structural Changes in the Kidney and Reduced Kidney Function
Chronic kidney disease is most common in people 65 years and older. NLRP3 inflammasomes signaling in the kidneys’ filtration system (“glomerular podocytes”) occurs as early as middle age, leading to scarring, podocyte loss, and impaired function, which may be a critical contributor to a lower threshold for developing kidney disease in older people. Age-related inflammasome […] The post ZyVersa Therapeutics Announces a Publication in the Peer-Reviewed Journal, Aging, Linking Inflammasome NLRP3 Ac... Read More
Posted: Oct 18 2023, 11:05
Author Name: forextv
Views: 031181

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