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JXN / Jackson Financial: The Worst Might Be Over

JXN News

By Seeking Alpha
October 17, 2023
Jackson Attractive On Capital Returns
Variable annuities, which offer stock market participation, may become more favorable in an environment of loose money and higher inflation. Jackson F more_horizontal

By Seeking Alpha
September 16, 2023
Jackson Financial's Complexity Creates Opportunity
Jackson Financial shares trade at a fraction of book value, presenting substantial value for investors, even if book value is unlikely to be achieved. more_horizontal

By Seeking Alpha
September 15, 2023
Jackson Financial: Still A Potential Outperformer, As Volatility Assumptions Moderate
Jackson Financial reported an impressive FQ2'23 adj operating earnings of $283M (+4.4% QoQ/ +25.7% YoY), contributing to the healthier balance sheet w more_horizontal

By The Motley Fool
August 29, 2023
Why Jackson Financial Stock Triumphed on Tuesday
The shares are being added to a prominent small-cap index. They will be a component of the S&P SmallCap 600 index beginning on Friday. more_horizontal

By Zacks Investment Research
August 8, 2023
Jackson Financial (JXN) Q2 Earnings and Revenues Lag Estimates
Jackson Financial (JXN) came out with quarterly earnings of $3.34 per share, missing the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $3.78 per share. This compares to more_horizontal

By Seeking Alpha
July 26, 2023
Jackson Financial: The Worst Might Be Over
Jackson Financial is a $2.8 billion market cap bank that primarily offers annuities to retail investors in the U.S. In Q1 2023, Jackson showcased quit more_horizontal

By Seeking Alpha
June 18, 2023
Jackson Financial: Baby Thrown Out With The Bath Water
Jackson Financial faces volatility due to the March 2023 banking crisis and recent earnings miss, but its long-term prospects remain cautiously optimi more_horizontal

By Seeking Alpha
June 16, 2023
Buy Jackson Financial While The Valuation Is Low
Jackson Financial, a spin-off from Prudential, offers potential growth opportunities due to its attractive valuation and commitment to dividends and b more_horizontal