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SLQD / SLQD: Higher For Longer


By Seeking Alpha
October 16, 2023
SLQD: No Good Reason To Own This ETF
The iShares 0-5 Year Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF tracks an index of short-duration investment grade corporate bonds. SLQD has little duration more_horizontal

By Seeking Alpha
August 14, 2023
SLQD: Higher For Longer
SLQD tracks US corporate bonds with some credit risk and a decent duration of 2 years. SLQD faces risks from higher interest rates and potential downg more_horizontal

By Seeking Alpha
January 20, 2023
SLQD Is Best Avoided While The Debt Ceiling Issue Goes On
Markets completely expect the debt ceiling issue in the U.S. to be resolved, where Congress should raise the ceiling and allow the Treasury to refinan more_horizontal