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TLTW / TLTW: Raising To Hold On Treasury Surprise (Rating Upgrade)


By Seeking Alpha
November 3, 2023
TLTW: Raising To Hold On Treasury Surprise (Rating Upgrade)
The iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond BuyWrite Strategy ETF declined by over 8% due to increased treasury bond issuances and rising yields. The Treasury more_horizontal

By Seeking Alpha
October 5, 2023
TLTW: Income Opportunity In An Uncertain, Bloody Bond Market
The iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond Buywrite Strategy ETF offers investors the ability to add a passive buy-write options overlay to their position in more_horizontal

By Seeking Alpha
October 4, 2023
TLTW: Implied Volatility On The Long Bond Jumps, Risk Remains High
Growing fears over the government's ability to pay its debt due to a large budget deficit and heavy Treasury issuance has pressured bonds. The iShares more_horizontal

By Seeking Alpha
September 15, 2023
TLTW: A High Yield Bet On Strong Treasury Outlooks
Future decreases in interest rates and controlled inflation support the equity value of existing treasury bills. This makes investing in TLTW an attra more_horizontal

By Seeking Alpha
August 18, 2023
TLTW: Tactically Bearish Bond Funds (Rating Downgrade)
TLTW has outperformed TLT since its inception, but its performance may not tell the whole story as we have only seen a period when yields went up. The more_horizontal

By Seeking Alpha
July 24, 2023
TLTW: Fat Yield And Easily Hedged
TLTW is currently generating an average monthly yield of 1.56% by using a buy-write strategy on TLT. Year to date, it is outperforming its underlying more_horizontal

By Seeking Alpha
July 18, 2023
TLTW: The Safety Of Treasuries With A 20% Yield
The iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond BuyWrite Strategy ETF offers investors a yield of 19.6% annually from coupons and income from option sales. Since i more_horizontal

By Seeking Alpha
May 25, 2023
TLTW: Is The 19% Yield Too Good To Be True?
Covered call strategies often underperform in the long term because they are too aggressive at earning yield and sacrificing capital appreciation. TLT more_horizontal